



(釜野さおり・石田仁・風間孝・吉仲崇・河口和也 2016『性的マイノリティについての意識―2015年全国調査報告書』科学研究費助成事業「日本におけるクィア・スタディーズの構築」研究グループ(研究代表者 広島修道大学 河口和也)編)

第1章 結果の要約と留意点
第2章 調査の概要
第3章 知識と認識
第4章 メディア
第5章 存在の認識
第6章 行為・感情に対する嫌悪感と抵抗感
第7章 身近な人に対する嫌悪感
第8章 友人に対する抵抗感
第9章 友人からのカミングアウト
第10章 同性婚
第11章 教育

コラム その1:戸籍上の性別と性自認に関する結果
コラム その2:性的指向に関する結果
コラム その3:社会調査によって性自認・性的指向を捉えることの困難と課題
コラム その4:レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダー「人口」
付 表




場所:中央大学 駿河台記念館 580号室(駿河台記念館へのアクセスはこちら:http://www.chuo-u.ac.jp/access/surugadai/
タイトル:On Bonnie Honig’s Reading of Antigone

概 要:Antigone has stood for many things since Hegel’s reading of Sophocles’ classic play in The Phenomenology of Spirit. For champions of universal human rights, Antigone’s ethical defiance of Creon’s political law represents a heroic devotion to basic familial rights in the face of arbitrary state power. In contrast, for anti-humanists Antigone is a paragon of pure, pre-symbolic desire that flouts the possibility of humanist political engagement: Jacques Lacan famously admired her monstrous desire for death that defies all meaning and signification, and Slavoj Žižek has focused on her total and absolute “no” that transcends Creon’s political laws. Not completely dissimilarly, Nicole Loraux saw in Antigone’s death cry an extra-linguistic expression of pain that put her, again, beyond politics. And for Judith Butler, Antigone’s laments—even as they point to the “limits of representation and representability”—mark the eruption of “unspeakable loss” into public life and serve as a “mortal humanist” pre-political basis for politics. Against such anti-political readings of Sophocles’ play, in “Antigone’s Two Laws” Bonnie Honig recognizes the overtly agonistic, political position occupied by the tragic hero. For Honig, Antigone—the protagonist (“primary actor”) of Sophocles’ play—speaks and acts agonistically against Creon’s state authority. In this talk, I will review Honig’s reading of Antigone and discuss how it may have wider implications for recent revivals of humanism witnessed in various fields. In particular, I will discuss its relevance for the field of the ethics of care—developed by feminist thinkers such as Joan Tronto, Eva Feder Kittay, Virginia Held, Elizabeth V. Spelman, and more recently Fabienne Brugère—which has much in common with Butler’s ethics of mourning in its critiques of Kantian liberalism and Lockean social contract theory.

コア・テクスト:Bonnie Honig (2010) "Antigone's Two Laws: Greek Tragedy and the Politics of Humanism”
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主催: 中央大学人文科学研究所「性と文化」研究チーム


